释义 |
1 ?时间系统实验 ... 短时间致癌实验 short term carcinogenic test 时间系统实验 time series experiment 时间应变实验 time-strainexperiment ; strainexperiment ...
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Since that time, critics have pointed out that the experiment was "a small case series with no controls, linked three common conditions, and relied on parental recall and belief. 从那时候开始,就有批评家指出那个实验是“控制不当的小范围实验,仅仅关联了三种常见情况,并依赖于父母的回忆和认知。” - 2
So the researchers organised a fourth experiment. This time, once the game was over, they asked the participants a series of questions designed to elucidate their attitudes to the selfless “player”. 这项研究的后续实验表明,这种反常的现象不是因为人们感觉到无彼的的无能或是难以预测(心理学家发现的在这种游戏中不受欢迎的两种人).于是,研究者们组织了第四个实验.这次,游戏一结束,他们就问参与者一系列问题.这些问题是用来表明他们对无私的玩家的态度的. - 3
Finally, We designed a pseudo experiment to talk about the linear time series analysis based on neural networks theory. 最后,设计模拟实验,探讨有关神经网络的线性时间序列预测方面的问题,得出结论。