... Operating time from batteries: 17 h运行时间从电池: 17 h Time of recharge: 3?ch充电时间: 3路 Wireless audio adapter rEX-Link2 will be put on the market at the end of February on the price of 150 dollars ; and digital wireless head sets REX-WHP it is 2nd at the end March they will be 2nd sold on the price of 267 dollars.无线音频适配器卷毛猫, Link2将在市场上在2月底的价格为150美元;和数字无线头集卷毛猫,井口平台这是第2次在3月底他们将第二次出售的价格267美元。 ...
The realization that the physical self has continuity in time, according to this hypothesis, lays the foundation for the emergence of autobiographical memory.
These researchers also claim that improvements ofmemory overnight can be explained by the mere passage oftime, rather than attributed to sleep.
In Proust's In Search Of Lost Time, the narrator is prompted to unlock the secrets ofmemory after some quiet time contemplating a biscuit.