释义 |
1 ?时间轴 ... 路径(Paths) 时间轴(Time Lines) 脚本(Scripts) ... 2 ?唱片名 ... 唱片名: Time Lines 表演者: Andrew Hill 出版者: Blue Note Records ...
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You, of course, can also parse time lines from other power users, not just Joel Comm. 当然,您也可以解析来自其他用户的时间表,而不仅仅限于Joel Comm的。 - 2
You also know about motivation, obstacles and challenges, time lines, a plan of action, visualization and persistence. 你也知道动机,障碍和挑战,时间期限,还有将目标付诸行动、对未来有清晰的预想和坚持不懈跟进目标的计划。 - 3
A roadmap is a list of initiatives organized in terms of relative importance, sequence, and time lines. To be effective, the roadmap should. 路线图是根据相对重要性、顺序和时间安排进行组织的活动列表。