Thus, increasing the stem diameter boosts stem stiff ness, a factor that has been linked to distal thighpain and proximal stress-shielding.
Methods. We report on a 37-year-old Arabian woman who presented initially with progressive low back and anterior thighpain without precipitating trauma.
方法: 37岁阿拉伯女性患者,最初就诊因进行性下腰及大腿前疼痛,且无外伤史。
Caffeine has long been known to increase alertness and endurance, and a 2003 study led by UGA professor Patrick o 'connor found that caffeine reduces thighpain during moderate-intensity cycling.
咖啡因很早就被用来增加警觉和耐力,乔治亚大学Patrick o ' Connor教授领衔的2003年的一项研究发现:咖啡因能减少中等强度骑车引起的大腿肌痛。