释义 |
表,索引 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Because the NPSI is a single ordered list, it is easy to see how DB2 could just toggle back and forth, index to table, index to table, and return rows in ZIPCODE order without sorting. 因为NPSI是一个单序列列表,很容易看到DB 2如何来回切换,从表到索引、索引到表,然后以ZIPCODE次序返回行,而不需要排序。 - 2
then DB2 could use the four-column index the "traditional" way (index, table, index, table, etc.) to return the rows in the desired order (the same order as or the reverse order of the index). 然后,DB2 可以以 “传统” 方法(索引、表、索引、表,等等)使用这个 “4 列” 索引以期望的次序(与索引相同或相反的顺序)返回所需行。 - 3
Whenever you create a table, index, and view, and then drop the table, all objects dependent on that table are invalidated, including views, packages, package bodies, functions, and procedures. 当创建表以后,在建立索引,视图等。当删除表的时候,所有依赖于该表的对象都变的无效了,包括视图,包,包体,函数和存储过程。