Youngsun selects high quality Pure Teflonfilm, with a special surface treatment and then coating with high quality silicone adhesive to produce the PTFE film adhesive tape.
SOLARITE KM-4368-FR is a fire-retardant pressure sensitive adhesive. It was developed for the purpose of bonding a treated Teflonfilm to foil or polyester and glass fiber screen.
Solarite KM - 4368 - FR是一种阻燃型压敏粘合剂,用于将将处理过的聚四氟乙烯薄膜粘合到金属薄片或聚酯和玻璃纤维屏上。
The teflon thin film has the intensity to be high, the insulating property is good, not characteristics and so on coherency.