释义 |
1 ?分级控制 ... stepped cone 级轮 stepped control 分级控制 stepped drive 分级变速传动装置 ... 2 3 ?步进控制 ...步进控制 advance control; control step; stecontrol; step by step control; step-by-step control; stepbystepcontrol; stepped control 促进控制 facilitate control ..
- 1
On hearing that, I stepped back, let the door close, and allowed him to reopen the door, not using the automatic control this time. 听到这话,我退后一步让门关上,让他重新开门,不用门的自动控制装置。 - 2
After decades of stagnation in malaria control, stepped up efforts are finally producing impressive results, including striking drops in transmission rates and deaths. 疟疾控制工作在数十年中停滞不前,强化的努力现在终于产生了显著的成果,包括传播率和死亡人数大幅度下降。 - 3
When disease control efforts are stepped up, especially through the mass administration of medicines, causative agents are put under enormous stress, which is expressed as selective pressure. 当疾病控制努力逐步加强,尤其是通过大规模施用药物来控制疾病时,病原体被置于巨大的选择压力之下。