释义 |
- 文本纸:一种用于打印、书写或绘画的纸张,通常具有较高的纸张质量和适当的厚度。
1 ?书籍纸 ... test paper 试纸 text paper 书籍纸 textile paper 纺织品包装纸 ...
- 1
Objective To analyze and evaluate the text paper of natural pharmaceutical chemistry course for year 2003 pharmacology majors of the Department of Pharmacology, Xi an Medical College. 目的分析与评价西安医学院药学系2003级三年制药学专业学生的天然药物化学期末考试试卷。 - 2
When you write a screenplay or any other written work, such as novels, journals, and stories, you form a basic copyright protection the instant you put an idea and text to paper. 当你写剧本或者其它的文字作品时,比如小说、日记、故事,你的构想一旦以文字形式落到纸面上,就已经形成了基本的版权保护。 - 3
The quality of the paperback was beyond dispute: the text clear, unsmudged and justified, the paper thick, the jacket smart, if initially a little tacky to the touch. 印刷的质量毋庸置疑:文字清晰、整洁而且位置正确,纸张很厚,封皮漂亮,虽然刚开始摸着有点粘。