... 正文编辑 text editing 正文编辑接口text editing interface 正文编辑系统 text editing system,TES ...
IDE Mostly USES IDE for textediting Knows their way around the interface, able to effectively use the IDE using menus. Knows keyboard shortcuts for most used operations.
IDE IDE大部分用来进行文本编辑了解其周围的接口,能够高效地通过菜单来使用IDE了解最常操作的键盘快捷键编写自定义宏。
The application gathers a textual summary from the user, as well as the full blog post, which is comprised of rich text markup (XHTML). Here's a sample of the editinginterface.
For anyone who works with text, this award-winning application provides a clean, intelligent interface to a rich set of features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text with high performance.