释义 |
1 ?吞吐效率 基于ARQ的数字通信系统纠检错方法-毕业论文网 关键词:自动请求重发,差错控制, 吞吐效率,大数判决算法 [gap=1922]Key words: Arq , Error Control, Throughput Efficiency, Major Voting Algonthm 2 ?吞吐率 ... low disk throughput 硬盘数据流量不足(throughput指数据吞吐量、通过负荷) throughput efficiency 吞吐率 throughput delay 吞吐延迟 ... 3 4 ?生产率 ... throughput capacity 物料通过量 throughput efficiency 生产率, 通过率... channel throughput 通道通过量, 通道吞...
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Marketing can learn a lot from the customer-service orientation and throughput efficiency of it, and it can learn from the "visibility" approach of Marketing. 市场营销可以多学习的客户服务方向和吞吐量效率IT, IT可以学习的市场营销“可见性”方法。 - 2
The company has begun tests on prototypes of the polymorphic MONARCH processors to verify they will function as designed and to establish their maximum throughput and power efficiency. 雷声公司开始对它进行测试,检证了它们的功能,确认了最大的数据流量和功率效率。 - 3
In a cloud environment, the MapReduce structure increases the efficiency of throughput for large data sets. 在云环境中,MapReduce结构提高了大型数据集的吞吐效率。