每平方英寸吨数(tons per square inch);,汽轮机监视仪表(turbine supervisory instrument)刺激甲状腺免疫球蛋白 , tsi红色是什么意思汽轮机监测仪表 英文缩写查询 请...
... 379平方英里 myitkyina 吨平方英寸tons per square inch 每平方英尺 per square foot ...
"Billions of tons of water producing 6, 000 pounds persquareinch did its work, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Tiny Titanic souvenirs up for grabs
At that depth, a key piece of equipment is the blowout preventer, which weighs up to 300 tons and caps the well, holding back ultrapressurized (15, 000 pounds persquareinch) oil deep in the Earth.