释义 |
1 ?步骤交易 ... 步骤计数器 step counter 步骤交易 step deal 步降计数器 step down counter ...
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I go the step further and mince, dice, chop, slice, mix and prepare, so I don't have to deal with it when I cook the next day. 我会多做一点,把菜切碎、切丁、剁开、切片、搭配在一起并准备好,这样我就不必在第二天要做饭时再处理它了。 - 2
Frances Moore, chief executive of the IFPI, said Tuesday's deal was an "important step forward". IFPI的首席执行官Frances Moore表示,周二的协议是向前迈进的重要一步。 - 3
At a point, I realized that if the tool would support some visual and querying facilities, it could represent a new step in how we deal with code complexity. 基于此,我认识到如果该工具能够支持某些可视化以及查询的功能,那么对于我们处理代码复杂性而言,其效率就能再上一个台阶。