释义 |
1 [力]?力系 F A 16 力系(system of forces):作用在物体上的一组力。 等效力系:可以相互替换但不改变对物体作用 效果的力系。 2 ?动机 ...er将模式分为三个部分:首先是周境(Context,也可以称着上下文),指模式在何种状况下发生作用;其二是动机(System of Forces),意指问题或预期的目标;其三是解决方案(Solution),指平衡各动机或解决所阐述问题的一个构造或配置(Configuration)。 3 ?其二是动机 ... 首先是周境(Context 其二是动机(System of Forces) 其三是解决方案(Solution) ...
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A integrated equation set for solving plane parallel motion of rigid body was derived, and the conditions of system of forces simplified on the center of mass plane was discussed. 给出了解决刚体平面平行运动问题的一组完整方程,讨论了力系简化在质心平面内的条件。 - 2
People in daily life, due to incorrect habits, or weight-bearing long-term desk and will break the balance of the three-dimensional system of forces, resulting in spinal deformation. 人们在日常生活中,由于不正确的生活习惯,或者长期伏案工作及负重,都会打破这个平衡的三维力系,从而导致脊柱变形。 - 3
But in an effort to keep the number of threads in the system under control, GAE forces any application-initiated connection to close after 5 to 10 seconds. 但为了在可控的系统中保持线程数,GAE会强迫任何应用程序发起的连接在5到10秒后关闭。