释义 |
系统停机时间 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Overhead such as system down time, meetings, and answering e-mail - 2
At first glance, the time in system calls has gone down, but that's because the tracing was limited to a few interesting system calls with the -t option. 初看起来,系统调用耗费的时间下降了,但这是因为使用了- t选项将跟踪任务限制于一些有意义的系统调用。 - 3
At a convenient time, we'd want to shut down the system, replace the failed drive, and start the system back up again. 在方便的时侯,我们将希望关闭系统,更换故障驱动器,并且重新启动系统。