释义 |
系统设计辅助 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
A government study recommended a national highway system of 33,920 miles, and Congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, centrally-controlled design criteria. 一项政府研究建议建设一个33,920英里的全国公路系统,国会通过了1944年的《联邦援助公路法案》,该法案要求制定严格的、集中管控的设计标准。 - 2
A government study recommended a national highway system of 33,920 miles, and Congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, centrally controlled design criteria. 一项政府研究建议建立一个33920英里的全国高速公路系统,因此国会通过了1944年的联邦援助高速公路法案,该法案要求为沙漠地区制定严格、集中管理的相关准则。 - 3
Take data warehouse as foundation, with the aid of on Line Analytical Processing and data Mining technology, the composition and design of enterprise Decision Support System are put forward. 本文以数据仓库为基础,与目前流行的联机分析处理、数据挖掘等技术相结合,提出了基于此的决策支持系统的设计。