释义 |
1 ?主和弦 ...节,原来也有一种版本是要让这里出现「下属小调借用和弦(Sub-Dominant Minor Chords)的效果,使其回到主和弦(Tonic Chord),但加上II-V解决也是行得通的,因为Ebm7-Ab7这两个和弦也是下属小调借用和弦(IVm7 , bVII7): 2 ?主音和弦 从主音(tonic:即选择的起始音)开始,并且包括第三个和第五个音在内的三音和弦叫做主音和弦(tonic chord),调性的基本表现是主音和属音(dominant:属音指主音上方纯五度的音),主属音奥妙无穷,是一种令人满意的声音,即“协和音”(c...
- 1
That held for about thirty seconds, that tonic chord. - 2
Generally it has been found unnecessary to use figuration for a tonic chord in root position, which, if expressed would be 53. 据发现,通常没有必要用数字标记原位主音和弦,如果要用数字标记的话,为53。 - 3
And we will then get over to here, where he's sitting on the tonic chord, and we want to see how long he's going to hold this tonic chord. Okay? 接着再到这里来,他停在了主音和弦上,然后我们想看看他会在主音和弦上保持多久,好吧?