释义 |
- 仅举几个例子:用于表示列举的事物或人只是其中的几个例子,还有其他未提及的。
1 ?举几个例子 ... intensely 强烈地 to name only a few 举几个例子(一般罗列多个并列例子)) as an example 举个例子(一个例子) ... 2 ?只举两 ... there's safety in numbers 数量多比较安全 to name only a few 只举两, 三个例子 two-time someone 劈腿; 脚踏两条船 ...
- 1
Pineaapple Juice, Plum Juice, Lime Juice, orange Juice and Grape Juice, to name only a few. - 2
Conflict Theory, Independence Theory, Unity Theory and Dialogue Theory, to name only a few, but they all have this or that deficiency or defect. 冲突说、无关说、统一说以及对话说都存在这样那样的不足或缺陷。 - 3
This may alarm those who see global bureaucracies' sloth, pride, envy, greed and gluttony (to name only a few deadly vices) as exemplars of human failing. 这可能会警示那些将全球官僚的懒散、骄傲、嫉妒、贪婪和暴食(仅列举几项恶劣罪行)看作是人性弱点范例的人。