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1 ?磺胺类药物 ...硕士论文 入收藏 获取最新 磺胺及其衍生物分子印迹聚合物的计算模拟与制备研究 嵇大圣 【摘要】: 磺胺类药物(Sulfa-drugs,SFAs)是一类人工合成的抗菌素,具有抗菌广谱,疗效强等优点,被广泛地应用于畜牧养殖业。
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In addition, the human use of other drugs also, such as sulfa drugs to kill bacteria. - 2
The bacterium is sensitive to some sulfa drugs, aminoglycoside antibiotics and Chloramphenicol. 该菌对某些磺胺类、氨基糖苷类药物和氯霉素高度敏感。 - 3
Range and similar antibacterial sulfonamides, in combination with sulfa drugs or in combination with antibiotics, can significantly improve drug efficacy. 抗菌范围和磺胺类相似,与磺胺药联合使用或与抗菌素联合使用,都可大为提高药物疗效。