释义 |
- 自杀意念:对自杀的感受、思考、沉思、对自杀的强烈渴望,或者对停止存在的想法。
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心理学 自杀意念 3.3% suicidal abortion. Suicidal behavior ( suicidal ideation, planning, preparation, abortion) in middle school students present significantly difference between districts, school type. grade,sex. 湖南省中学生自杀行为(自杀意念、自杀计划、自杀准备、自杀未遂)发生率在地区、学校类型、年级、性别之间有差别。
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医药科学 自杀意念 The suicide attempters with suicidal ideation had higher incidence of psychiatric disorders and a larger proportion of them were the depression and anxiety disorders. 有过自杀意念的自杀未遂者中精神障碍患病率较高,且其中抑郁障碍和焦虑障碍患病率占的比例较大;从无自杀意念的自杀未遂者有冲动性自伤的特点。 自杀观念 Conclusion Cognitive therapy is a very effective method for early elimination of suicidal ideation & attempt and stabilizing emotion. 结论认知疗法是早期消除自杀观念,稳定情绪最有效的方法。
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The researchers found that 1,143 of the teens were depressed and 2,038 had suicidal ideation, the term clinicians use to describe suicidal thinking. Dr. 研究人员发现,这些年轻人中有1,143名有抑郁症,而2,038名有自杀的构想,临床医生用这个词组描述自杀的想法。 - 2
Patients presenting with suicidal ideation can be hard to read. "Sometimes you can end an interview without knowing if you've got an accurate suicide report," he said. 有自杀意图的病人很难识别,“有时可能直到谈话结束你都无法确定是否准确掌握了自杀者的心理,”他说。 - 3
So there are many concrete actions one can take to combat the underlying conditions which, in my humble and unprofessional opinion, seem to lead to "suicidal ideation." 因此会有很多具体地行动来应付这些看起来能导致“自杀观念形成”的情况,以我谦虚的,不专业的观点来看。