释义 |
- 糖税:对含糖饮料征收的一种税收,旨在减少糖分摄入,降低肥胖和糖尿病等疾病的发病率。
1 [税收]?糖税 ... sugar duty 糖税 sugar excise tax 糖类消费税 sugar tax 糖税 ... 2 ?即为软饮糖分税 ...喝可乐恐怕要多掏钱啦,奥斯本宣布自2018年起每罐高糖分饮料要在原价基础上加收5-25便士(5p-25p),即为软饮糖分税(Sugar Tax),旨在抑..
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David Cameron, the prime minster of the U. K., said on Thursday that he wouldn't rule out the possibility of a sugar tax as a measure against the obesity crisis, the BBC reports. 据BBC报道,周四,英国首相卡梅隆说他不会排除将征收食糖税作为对抗肥胖危机的方法。 - 2
The tax will apply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with added sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. 该税将适用于普通汽水和无糖汽水,以及其他添加糖的饮料,例如佳得乐和冰茶。 - 3
In most forms the tax is designed to discourage the production, importation and purchase of carbonated, uncarbonated, sports and energy drinks, with excess levels of added sugar. 在大多数情况下,“糖税”用来减少含糖量较高的碳酸饮料、非碳酸饮料、和运动能量型饮料的生产、进口及购买。