释义 |
沉浸其中 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?沉浸于 机械词典大全 ... steering cylinder group;转向油缸组件 steering cylinder group part number;转向油缸组零件号 steering cylinder housing;转向油缸壳 ...
- 1
Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite. 置身其中,熟悉它,你很快就会发现作者正在给你或试图给你一些更明确的东西。 - 2
In steep terrain, ignore the temptation to stomp on your brakes, and take it as slowly as possible. 即使在陡峭地形中,也要顶住大脚刹车的诱惑,应当尽可能慢地踩下脚刹。 - 3
Crush them a bit between your fingers, place 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls in a tea strainer, add a cup of boiling water, and steep in a covered vessel for 15 minutes. 用你的手指来粉碎他们,然后放1至2茶匙到茶滤网,再到一杯热开水,最后放进有盖茶壶中浸泡15分钟。