当地景点包括卡那封城堡(Caernarfon Castle)和波特梅里恩村(Portmeirion),距离乡村民宿均有约30分钟车程。
Caernarfon Castle(卡那芬堡)等。这次旅行,时间上是短了点,不过还是挺过瘾的,现在回想起来还是蛮怀念的哦。
... 第二集 林肯大教堂 Lincoln Cathedral 第三集 卡纳芬城堡 Caernarfon Castle 第四集 牛津新学院 New College, Oxford ...
Parking is being banned in Caernarfon Castle Square in a bid to solve road safety issues.
BBC: Caernarfon Castle Square parking ban for many motorists
In 1969, she sang in the choir at the investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales at Caernarfon Castle.
BBC: Christine and Adam Evans-Thomas
He also said there should never again be an investiture ceremony like the grand one for Prince Charles at Caernarfon Castle in 1969.
BBC: Call to 'redefine' prince's role