释义 |
1 ?钢头鳟 终生栖息于淡水的虹鳟,其降海洄游的同伴叫钢头鳟(steelhead trout)。 一般鲑鱼由孵化、索饵、降海、成长、溯河、回归母川产卵,周而复始,鲑鱼洄 4 游行为构成一个循环的洄游环(migration loop)... 2 ?硬头鳟 硬头鳟(Steelhead trout),也叫钢头鳟、海鳟,是在海里生长的鳟鱼类,卵在淡水中孵化发育,生长到鱼种后降海,性成熟后洄游到母河产卵繁育完成生长周期。 3 ?虹鳟 ... stock祖先,血统 steelhead trout虹鳟 qualitatively从品质上讲 ...
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For example, the steelhead trout in Washington state. - 2
The area in question is home to 1,600 threatened species, including grizzly bears, elk, lynx and cut-throat trout and steelhead. 受争议的区域是1,600多种濒危物种的家园,其中包括灰熊、麋鹿、割喉咙鳟鱼和虹鳟。 - 3
The area in question is home to 1, 600 threatened species, including grizzly bears, elk, lynx and cut-throat trout and steelhead. 受争议的区域是1 600多种濒危物种的家园,其中包括灰熊、麋鹿、割喉咙鳟鱼和虹鳟。