释义 |
- 烟斗:一种小型手持装置,最简单的形式由碗和管组成,用于吸入燃烧烟草的烟雾。
1 ?烟斗 非贵重金属鼻烟壶 snuff boxes,not of precious metal 烟斗 tobacco pipes 非贵重金属制香烟盒 Cigarette cases,not of precious metal. .
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Second-hand smoke is the smoke that fills restaurants, offices or other enclosed spaces when people burn tobacco products such as cigarettes, bidis and water pipes. 二手烟雾指人们燃烧卷烟、比迪烟和水烟等烟草制品时产生,并弥漫在餐馆、办公室或其他封闭空间内的烟雾。 - 2
Every Monday we all sit around and smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes, try out new types of tobacco. 每周一我们都坐在一起抽香烟,雪茄,烟斗,试用各种各样新烟草。 - 3
The ornate glass and metal water pipes are used for smoking an aromatic blend of tobacco, molasses and fruit known as shisha. 这种用装饰性玻璃器皿及金属水烟筒装着烟草、糖蜜和水果的混合烟,被称为“什莎”(Shisha,水烟的另一种叫法),口感香气馥郁。