... out出现(出版) to an end 结束 in 引入, 增加 ...
达到目的 ? To an end 网上聊天时,吴东喜欢假扮成别的人 ? When chatting online, Wu Dong like disguised as other people ..
... 离,远离 to or at a distance 消失…掉; 完 to an end; none, so that there is less; so as to be gone or used up 一直…下去; 继续 all the time ...
.... 是什么意思? ... 你只不过是杞人忧天罢了 ? You are nothing but unfounded 以某结束 ? To an end 我支持你永远 爱人 ? I support you forever love person ...
结束 ; 完结 ; 告终 ; 曲终人散
结束 ; 使结束 ; 完成 ; 处理或办理至于完结
结束了 ; 期满 ; 收罗
conclude??/??bring to a close??/??be over??/??be at the end??/??put an end to something