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1 ?丁香甙 acid),丁香甙(syringin),芫花素(genkwanin)即5,4\'-二羟基-7-甲氧基黄 生甘遂毒性和泻下作用均较强,不宜应用;3,甘遂和芫花,大戟,传统经验忌 【化学成份】... 2 ?紫丁香苷 高效液相色谱法测定刺五加注射液中紫丁香苷的含量-,高效液相色谱法测定刺五加注射液中紫丁香苷的含量-仪器仪表技术文章技术文章 关键词:刺五加注射液,紫丁香苷,高效液相色谱。 [gap=793]Keywords:Ciwujia injection,syringin,HPLC 3 ?丁香苷 从北美刺人参茎中分离得到4个化合物,鉴定结构分别为化合物(5):丁香苷(Syringin);化合物(6):腺.. 4 ?紫丁香酚苷 53产品中文名称:紫丁香酚苷中文别名:紫丁香酚甙;刺五加甙B;紫丁香苷;刺五加苷B英文名:Syringin英文别名:Sy 朝藿定B 朝藿定B的化学性质,质量标准及用途 化学性质 Genesal source 小檗科植物心叶淫羊藿Epimedium brevico
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HPLC method with the finished Syringin, determine the content of ginsenoside Rbl. - 2
RESULTS Compared with the botanical drug, the content of syringin in cells was improved 20.96 times by liquid culture and 55.50 times by solid culture. 结果与天山雪莲原药材相比,细胞培养物中紫丁香苷的含量在液体培养和固体培养方式下,分别提高了20.96和55.50倍。 - 3
Zorbax ODS column and gradient elution of acetonitrile acetic acid solution as mobile phase were employed to determine the content of syringin and rutin in 11 species of Saussurea by RP_HPLC. 采用高效液相色谱法测定凤毛菊属植物雪莲花中的紫丁香甙和芦丁。