定义 中文名称:汽水管道 英文名称:steam and water piping 定义:火电厂内由管子、管道附件、热力测量装置、支吊架和保温设施等组成的汽水管道的总称。 应用学科: 电力(一级学科);汽轮机、燃气轮机(二级学科) 以上内
The security influence of the flushing pipe parameter and the flushing pipe system on-position for steam-waterpiping system are analyzed.
The author described philosophy, causes and precautions for water hammer appearance in steampiping, drum, feedwater piping, economizer, drum draining tube, sub-steam cylinder etc.
Project and system situation in Zouxian Power Plant were introduced, and the piping design parameters and the piping material of main steam system and main feed water system were determined.