释义 |
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The chlorophyll and soluble sugar content of green asparagus and pea seedlings declined during storage period, and the contents of free amino acid, fiber, cell wall polysaccharides, lignin increased. 采后绿芦笋、豌豆苗叶绿素、可溶性糖含量均呈下降趋势,游离氨基酸、粗纤维、细胞壁多糖和木质素含量均呈上升趋势。 - 2
Heat oil, saute pea sprouts, add sugar and salt until tender, drain them and put in a plate. 烧滚油,以大火炒熟豆苗,放进糖、盐调味,沥干水铺于碟上待用。 - 3
Add rice, butter, salt, sugar, white pepper, sweet pea, raisin, soy sauce and fresh pineapple and stir until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, approximately 3 minutes. 把准备好的米饭、黄油、糖、胡椒、豆子、葡萄干、酱油、新鲜的菠萝全都放进去炒到所有的食材充分的混合在一起,大概要用3分钟。