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1 ?地下经济 这偌大的冰山,就是笔者要集中讨论的地下经济(The Underground Economy)问题。 “地下经济”这一概念是1977年意大利经济学家杰尔吉?弗阿最早提出的,又称为隐形经济、黑色经济、非正规经济等。
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Because at that time, the underground economy had not displayed the inflation tendency, the research scope was quite limited. 但由于当时地下经济并没有表现出膨胀的趋势,所以研究的范围还是比较有限的。 - 2
Until Second World War period, some scholars only started to these economic phenomena to conduct the research, contained the underground economy research. 直到第二次世界大战期间,一些学者才开始对这些经济现象进行研究,其中也包含了对地下经济的研究。 - 3
Contrasted with the underground economy, recessive industry is a special industry characterized by its relativity, extensiveness, scale, and transitivity. 隐性产业是一种特殊的产业形态,它与地下经济有着明显的界分,存在着相对性、外生性、规模性、过渡性等特征。