释义 |
1 ?摩西五经 ”或许有人认为如此的老生常谈根本不值得一提,但整部《摩西五经》( The Torah) 向 犹太民族传达的中心思想也就是一个:己所不欲,勿施于人。
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I thought God gave the law, the Torah, on Sinai. - 2
The Torah probably reached a fixed and authoritative status first, then the books of the Prophets and finally the Writings. 律法可能是最早固定了权威地位的,然后是先知书再是文集。 - 3
In the Jewish tradition, the injunction to "love thy neighbour as thyself," is considered to be the very essence of the Torah. 在犹太传统中,“爱人如爱已”的训喻被视为《托拉》神训的精髓。