英国皇家学会(The Royal Society)是英国最具名望的科学学术机构,其成员在尖端科学方面饶有贡献。该学会多方面支持不少英国的年轻顶尖科学家、工程师及科技人才。
本系藉著与 英国皇家科学院 ( The Royal Society )进行合作计画之便,邀请目前任教于伦敦大学帝国学院生物科学系(Imperial College London)的演化生物学、系统分类学与膜翅学专家...
...静的,沉着的;明达的;达观的词性变换:同义词: 经典例句用法:philosophical Transactions 英国皇家学院 (The Royal Society) 的会报 Death as a personification or as a philosophical notion. 自然毁灭作为典型或哲学意义上的死亡He is not a.
TheRoyalSociety of Public Health discovered that music and art, when used in hospitals, help to improve the conditions of patients by reducing stress, anxiety and blood pressure.
Only a member of theRoyalSociety could read the paper about the proceedings, and about the session of the society for subsequent publication.
Keith Moore, Head of theRoyalSociety Library and Archives, said: "Sir John Vane's papers will now join Edward Stone's in the archive of theRoyalSociety."