...台剧《河流》是由英国戏剧人杰兹-巴特沃斯(Jez Butterworth)创作于2012年,并于同年在伦敦皇家宫廷剧院(the Royal Court Theatre)上演。这部长80分钟的剧目仅由一男两女三个演员撑场,讲述了隐居在悬崖边的渔夫、其女友和一个失踪女人之间的故事。
"Jerusalem" finally opened at theRoyalCourtTheatre last July, directed by Ian Rickson, their mutual friend; its reputation spread quickly by word of mouth.
Many people now work over Christmas or New Year, although this didn't stop employees of theRoyalCourtTheatre in London from staying up all night for their party.