释义 |
1 ?抢镜头 第一招:抢镜头(Steal the scene),固然,此“抢”非彼“抢”咯。 2 ?抢戏〔镜头 ... play a scene演一场戏 steal the scene抢戏〔镜头〕 beautiful scene美景 ...
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I've been around where I knew other actors were going to steal the scene, and I don't compete with them. 我现在处在这样的一个环境,其他一些演员惯于剽窃,我不和他们竞争。 - 2
Unfortunately, Kevin has become the home of the objectives of thieves, robbers to steal Arrives file success, Kevin using all means, and even lead to stimulate the market Rexiao scene. 凯文家不幸成为了窃贼的目标,为了抵档匪兔窃成功,凯文使出浑身解数,入而引发连场刺激惹笑的场面。 - 3
In case of finding the act to steal electric power on the scene, a power consumption inspector shall stop it, make a written note on the inspection of power use, and keep evidence. 对于现场发现的窃电行为,用电检查人员应当予以制止,并制作用电检查笔录,保存证据。