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acceleration spectral density 1 ?加速度谱密度 23.什么是加速度谱密度(Acceleration Spectral Density)? 表示随机信号的各个频率分量所包的加速度方均值在频域上是怎样分布的。 2 ?谱密度 加速度频谱密度(Acceleration Spectral Density, ASD)就是随机振动的功率频谱密度(Power Spectral Density, PSD),就如同dazz... 3 ?频谱密度 加速度频谱密度(Acceleration Spectral Density, ASD)就是随机振动的功率频谱密度(Power Spectral Density, PSD),就如同dazz... 4 ?加速度频谱密度 加速度频谱密度(Acceleration Spectral Density, ASD)就是随机振动的功率频谱密度(Power Spectral Density, PSD),就如同dazz...
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Then, the power spectral density (PSD) of the acceleration at ground level is evaluated by an iterative approach according to the principle of equivalent peak acceleration. 然后,根据加速度峰值等效原则,选代计算得到地面的加速度功率谱密度曲线; - 2
The power spectral density function of ground acceleration can be described as filtered white noise applied on each support point. 地面运动加速度功率谱模型为零均值的平稳高斯过程,描述为过滤白噪声施加于支撑各点。