释义 |
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In the background, you should hear this steady drumbeat for improvement: delegate, authorize, delegate, authorize. 在背景中,您应该可以看到改进的稳定迹象了:委托,授权,委托,授权。 - 2
A steady stream of tourists from everywhere in the U.S. and many from foreign lands, visit the Statue of Liberty (background) in New York August 4, 1946 which rises from an almost 150-foot pedestal. 1946年8月4日,一波络绎不绝的游客前来参观纽约的自由女神像(图中背景处)。游人们有的来自美国各地,也有许多来自海外。 - 3
Without a strong and steady economic background, one could never imagine an easy and simple life, let alone an affluent and luxurious one. 没有稳定的经济后盾,很难想象如何过上轻松简单的生活,更不用说富庶奢侈的生活了。