释义 |
1 ?法定条例 ... 定条件 the proviso 法定条例 statutory ordinance 法律上公司;具备法定条件公司 dejure corporation ...
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Rest days, statutory holidays (or substituted holidays), maternity leave, sickness allowance, where appropriate, will be granted in line with the provisions of the Employment Ordinance. 受聘人可根据《雇佣条例》的规定,享有休息日、法定假日(或代替假日)、产假,以及疾病津贴。 - 2
Rest days, statutory holidays, annual leave, maternity leave, sickness allowance, where appropriate, will be granted in line with the provisions in the Employment Ordinance. 受聘人可享有根据《雇佣条例》规定给予而又适用的休息日、法定假日、年假、产假和疾病津贴。 - 3
Rest days, statutory holidays, annual leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, sickness allowance, where appropriate, will be granted in line with the provisions in the Employment Ordinance. 受聘人可享有根据《雇佣条例》规定给予而又适用的休息日、法定假日、年假、产假、侍产假和疾病津贴。