释义 |
1 [车辆]?加速度指数 ... 加速参数 accelerated parameter 加速度指数 acceleration index 加速踏板操纵器 throttle actuator ... 2 ?加速指数 ...症患者中的应用-CHKD期刊全文数据库 ce index,SVRI)、胸腔液体水平(thoracic fluid content,TFC)、加速指数(acceleration index,ACI)及速度指数(velocity index,VI)。
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The optimum ma-chine index (ration of screen acceleration to acceleration due to gravity) can be adjusted to each particular application by means of the variable out-of-balance force. 对于每一个具体的应用案例。可以通过调节偏心力获得最优的设备运行参数{筛分加速度和重力加速度的比值! - 2
As the intensity index of ground motion, PGA (peak ground acceleration) is often employed and analyzed. 作为地震动强度指标,峰值加速度一直是研究最多的物理量。 - 3
On review of the theories of wave-mean flow interaction and non acceleration, theorem, and the corresponding numerical analyses, the dynamical mechanism of variation of westerly index is discussed. 通过波流相互作用和无加速定理的讨论以及相应的数值分析,本文介绍有关纬向平均西风变化的近期研究成果。