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土木建筑工程 地铁 In Shenzhen Luohu railway station area, along with the input of the subway station, the traditional pedestrian system is no longer suitable. 在深圳罗湖火车广场站地区,随着地铁站的引入,传统的火车站区步行系统不再适用。 地下通道 It is inevitable that the urban roads are often affected badly while excavating the subway. The non-homogeneous settlement occurs during the subway construction and it often leads to large additional stresses in the superficial structure of the road. 地下通道开挖不可避免地会对城市道路路面造成不良影响,其主要原因是由于地下通道在建设过程中产生了不均匀沉降而引起路面结构较大的附加应力。 地道
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