释义 |
1 ?宇宙 有关天文知识 关键词:次级宇宙(sub-universe) ,次级宇宙循环论。 或许,作为一个非天文专业 宇宙是永恒存在的,还是有起始,有终点的?
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There are membranes of Light that create barriers so that there is a firm demarcation between each sub-universe. 光的薄膜会创造出分界线,因此,在每个次宇宙间都有一个严格的划界。 - 2
Scientists lobbed a bombshell into the world of sub-atomic theory on Wednesday by reporting that a primary building block of the visible Universe, the proton, is smaller than previously thought. 科学家们周三向亚原子理论的世界抛了颗重磅炸弹:可见世界的一块基石——质子——比先前人们认为得要小。 - 3
For physicists, the permanent ice sheet will allow them to study mysterious sub-atomic particles that may reveal the very first moments of our universe. 对物理学家来说,终年不化的冰层让他们能研究神秘的次原子粒子,或能看到宇宙混沌初开的原貌。