释义 |
1 ?统计账户 ... 统计账户 statistical accounts 统计图表 statistical chart 统计控制 statistical control ...
- 1
Statistical accounts (headcount, Production stats, days, etc). - 2
Only I, C and their equivalent statistical accounts (T, U) can be used. 仅可使用 I、C 及其等效统计账目 (T, U)。 - 3
Chen, who used to do search and data mining for Microsoft Asia Research Institute, then ran a statistical analysis and screened all the null accounts among his fans. 随后,曾在微软亚洲研究院从事搜索和数据挖掘研究工作的陈传亮通过统计分析,将粉丝中的那些无效帐号全部屏蔽掉。