...战士们正在搜寻在地震中失踪的人 ? The soldiers were searching for people missing in the earthquake 时光杀手 ? Time killers 一、 不仅仅是一次实习,更是一次很好的学习 ? First, not just a practice, it is a very good learning ..
" 短时长 "、" 高娱乐性 "、" 洗脑循环 " 等词是抖音的标签,但是 Time Killer(打发休闲娱乐时间)占据主流的用户群,在商业变现上能够体现的价值还不够明显;而抖音的信息流设置对于视频制作者来说也很难去沉淀自己的粉丝。
First, it is the timekiller. No matter whether students or college students, they would like to spend many hours play games, chatting online. They waste lots of time.