释义 |
1 ?时间间隔差法 TID Time Delay Integral Detector 时延和积分探测器 TID Time Interval Difference 时间间隔差法 TIDDS Totally Implanted Drug Delivery System 全植入药物释放系统 .. 2 ?时间间隔差 时间间隔差(time interval difference,TID)方式 前述的几种减影方式都用造影剂未注入造影部位血管时的影像作掩模像,用含有造影剂的序列X线影像作... 3 ?时间距离差 数字减影血管造影系统 - 医药百科 的映射剂量低,降低了相比较度分辩率,为此一般哄骗影像叠加、时间滤波等措置惩罚方法来提高信噪比 4.时间距离差(timeintervaldifference,tid)体式格局前述的几种减影体式格局都用造影剂未注入造影部位血管时的影像作掩模像,用含有造影剂的序列x线影
- 1
The interval is measured in minutes, with the difference between _LastUpdated and the current time measured in milliseconds. interval 用分钟计量,而 _LastUpdated 和当前时间的差以毫秒计算。 - 2
According to calculate method, the paper analyzed the influencing factors about heterogeneity, including velocity difference, proportion difference, interval length, buffer time. 以异质性计算模型为依据,分析运行图异质性的影响因素,包括不同速度差、不同列车比例、区间长度、天窗类型、缓冲时间等。 - 3
The TOA algorithm is used to obtain the time measuring values required in the location procedure and thus obtain the difference of interval of each beacon achieved. 用TOA法获得定位中需要的时间测量值,从而得到各信标台的距离差;