释义 |
1 ?性情 ... a cast of features 面容, 脸型 a cast of mind 性情, 气质 a stone's cast 投石可及的距离, 一箭之遥 ... 2 ?气质 ... 部署;性情 disposition 性情, 气质 a cast of mind 性情;烦躁 temper ...
- 1
To anyone of a suspicious cast of mind, these "clarifications" leave something to be desired. 对任何心思多疑的人来说,这些“澄清”还留有一些人们想要知道的事情。 - 2
Above all such a person embodies that special quality of insight and discrimination that distinguishes him or her from people again of more theoretical or speculative cast of mind. 最重要的是,这类人物展现了,特殊的见解与识别力特质,使他或她有别于其它人,那些较理论或具思索心智的人。 - 3
This kind of thinking mode enables their mind to cast off the bondages, to stand at a higher position, over viewing the buckish world. 这种追寻的思维使心灵脱去束缚的外壳,得以在更高的领域内驰骋,俯视浮华的世界。