释义 |
1 ?定期存单 ... 定期喷发火山 volcano of periodic eruption 定期存单 time certificate 定期存款 fixed deposit ... 2 ?定期存款票据 ... 定期存款利率 time deposit rate 定期存款票据 time certificate 定期存款帐户 fixed deposit account; time deposit account; time-deposit accounts ...
- 1
Possible you to meet do not believe me, lets the time certificate all! - 2
Even if you don't follow this advice, at least when you get this challenge the first time, import the certificate into the client trust store. 即使您不采纳这个建议,至少应该在第一次遇到警告时把证书导入客户机信任存储库。 - 3
Each time I gained an English certificate, such as IELTS, I would feel pretty proud and think that I had got the hang of English totally. 每考一个证书, 比如说雅思, 就会觉得很高兴自豪, 当时觉得自己学到家了.