释义 |
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His real motive for his hatred of Mexicans may have been the loss of 800,000 acres of prime timber land to the Mexican outlaw, Pancho Villa. 他憎恨墨西哥人的真正原因,可能是由于那个墨西哥逃犯Pancho Villa让他损失了800,000英亩的原始树林。 - 2
A few miles away, in land managed by Weyerhaeuser, a timber producer, thick stands of trees laboriously planted by hand immediately after the eruption rise 70 feet tall. 在几公里以外一块由木材厂家惠好公司管理着的土地上,在火山爆发后他们立即通过手工栽种了大量大约70英尺高的树。 - 3
Since then, however, land has become more valuable, not just for timber but for providing "environmental services" such as flood control, climate change measures and amenity. 但是从那时起,林地变得越来越有价值,不仅是因为伐木业,而且因为它所提供的环境服务,例如控制洪水,调节气候等。