释义 |
1 ?长尾鲨 有些泳客认为这是一种长尾鲨(Thresher Sharks),但也有一位渔夫表示这是一种姥鲨(Basking Sharks),爱在浅水区浮上水面晒太阳,性情温驯不会攻击人类。 2 ?长尾鲨科 ... 长尾鲨 thresher shark 长尾鲨科 alopiidae; thresher sharks 长尾鲨鱼 thresher ...
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A third species, thresher sharks, also showed "directed walking" like the tigers, but on much smaller scales. 另一种鲨鱼,长尾鲨同样能够像虎鲨那样“直来直去”,但是活动区域较小。 - 2
Species targeted this way in UK waters include the shortfin mako, blue, smooth hammerheads and thresher sharks, as well as species such as Portuguese dogfish and gulper sharks. 在英国水域上,受到如此待遇的目标群体包括短鳍灰鲭鲨、蓝鲸、锤头鲨、长尾鲨,以及葡萄牙角鲨和刺鲨。 - 3
Since this paper came out, I got ane-mail from somebody in Bali just a weeks ago saying, 'We're using your paper to stop illegal harvest of thresher sharks in Bali at a local dive community. “这个研究成果发表之后,就在一个星期之前有人从巴厘岛发了一封电子邮件告诉我:“依照你的研究成果,我们正在停止非法捕捞巴厘岛的长尾鲨。”