释义 |
三轮车 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
A new applicant in the temporary residence may apply for the vehicle driving license for compact car, compact AT car, low-speed cargo vehicle and three-wheel car. 在暂住地初次申领机动车驾驶证的,可以申请准驾车型为小型汽车、小型自动挡汽车、低速载货汽车、三轮汽车的机动车驾驶证。 - 2
Motorcycle, two wheel motorcycle, three wheel motorcycle, special purpose vehicle, motorcycle engine, vehicle frame, clutch, brake, shock absorber, motorcycle electric appliance, tire, wheel hub. 二轮车摩托车、三轮车摩托车、机动脚踏两用车、特殊用途车辆、摩托车用发动机、车架、离合器、制动器、减震、摩托车电器、轮胎、轮毂。 - 3
The applicants for driving low-speed cargo vehicle, three-wheel car, common three-wheel motorcycle, common motorcycle or wheel-type mechanical mobile shall be above 18 and below 60; 申请低速载货汽车、三轮汽车、普通三轮摩托车、普通二轮摩托车或者轮式自行机械车准驾车型的,在18周岁以上,60周岁以下;