释义 |
三方关键 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?三路电键 ... three-way jack ==> 三线插孔 three-way key ==> 三路电键 three-way lamp ==> 三向灯 ...
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To show up in a conscious way that builds and sustains your brand, three key attributes must be in place: Consistency, Distinctiveness, and Engaging. 以有意识的表现方式建立和维护你的品牌,有三个关键特征是不可或缺的:一致性、独特性和参与。 - 2
In particular, Washington has proposed forging stronger three-way military ties that would also include America's other key regional ally, South Korea. 特别是美国已提议打造更为强大的三方军事纽带,把美国另一位地区盟友,韩国也纳入。 - 3
"There are three key challenges," he says, "finding the right glass, thermally shaping the glass and finding an unusual way to mount the glass." “这其中有三个最关键的挑战,”他说,“找到正确的玻璃,对玻璃进行热塑型,还有找到一种不寻常的方法来镶嵌玻璃。”