·亚技能(Sub-skills):R1-Recognise and Read、R2-Read and Draw、R3-Read and Match、R4-Read and Group、R5-Read and Sequence、R6-Read and Compre...
...r.4)、Year 5(Yr.5)、Year 6(Yr.6) 语言技能:R-Reading、L-Listening、W-Writing、EP-Examination practice 亚技能(Sub-skills):R1-Recognise and Read、R2-Read and Draw、R3-Read and Match、R4-Read and Group、R5-Read and Sequence、R6-Read and Compre...
Generally, a computer system is comprised of different "sub" systems so a programmer needs to have some design or top-down thinking skills to see the program from the larger picture.