释义 |
1 ?附属银行 实证发现,分支机构(branches)越多的银行,决策权越集中于上层组织,其对SBCS使用得就越早;附属银行(subsidiary banks)越多的银行,决策权下放到各附属银行,其对SBCS使用得越晚(Frame、Srinivasan、Woosley,2001)。
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Byblos Bank, in whose Syrian subsidiary Rami Makhlouf, the president’s cousin, has a big share, may be hit. 黎的毕卜鲁斯银行可能受到影响,巴沙尔的堂(表)兄(弟)拉米·马克鲁夫在该行的叙分行中持有相当大股份。 - 2
'it is hardly imaginable that Citigroup would let down Citibank in Hungary,' says Peter Felcsuti, head of Raiffeisen bank, the Hungarian subsidiary of Austrian-based Raiffeisen Zentralbank. 奥地利Raiffeisen Zentralbank驻匈牙利分行负责人Peter Felcsuti说,很难想像花旗集团会让花旗银行在匈牙利的分行垮掉。 - 3
In January 2008 the site released stolen documents from Julius Baer, a Swiss bank, including bank records of about 1,600 clients with accounts at a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands. 2008年1月,该网站披露了瑞士银行宝盛集团(Julius Baer)一份失窃文件,内容包括其在开曼群岛一家子公司约1600名客户的银行记录。